CII Siliguri Conducts Round Table Meeting with US Consul General

By Hirak. D (TNI Siliguri) | TNI Editing Siliguri
Webdesk, TNI Siliguri, 19th November, 2018: The United States has emerged as a natural partner of India in helping the latter achieve its developmental goals and aspirations, said Ms Patti Hoffman, U.S. Consul General, U.S. Consulate, Kolkata, along with Ms. Tinku Roy, Political Economist Adviser, Consulate General of the United States of America, while addressing at the Round Table Meeting organized by the CII North Bengal Zonal Council last week. She also pointed out that United States of America is strongly interested to reinforce the connectivity, entrepreneurship, startups, innovation & empowerment in this part of the country which will strengthen the economic prosperity ties between U.S. & India. India is important to the US’s efforts to maintain its international standing, while the United States is essential to India’s attainment of its great power ambitions, Ms. Hoffman said “Earlier, Mr. Anand Kumar Agarwal, Vice Chairman, CII North Bengal, said India enjoys a strong, warm and friendly relationship with the U.S., Mr. Agarwal said, adding that bilateral partnership between US and India has been transformed in the past two decades. Total trade between India and the United States in 2017-18 stands at about US$ 744.48 million out of which India’s exports to the United States amount to about US$ 478.78 million and India’s imports amount to about US$ 266.11 million, Vice Chairman CII North Bengal told industry members at the Round Table Meeting. Indo – US economic relations through Darjeeling Summit was one of the major part of the discussion, where the U.S. Consul General principally agreed upon the idea.
Photo: CII, Siliguri